#MagnetSafety Day of Action

May 2021

T4CIP’s first Day of Action was on May 19, 2021 about high-powered magnet safety. You can search #MagnetSafety on Twitter/X and Instagram to see some of the great posts from participants and partners. In addition to in-person local events across the U.S., the Day of Action had 263 participants and more than 1,000 posts across social media.

T4CIP trainees were asked to promote #MagnetSafety messages during a targeted Day of Action, but these materials are available to use year-round.

Lead Topic Expert
Dr. Leah Middelberg
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Click here for additional topic experts.

Headshot of Dr. Leah Middelberg
Infographic titled "T4CIP High-Powered Magnets Day of Action" with statistics on May 18, 2021, using #MagnetSafety. Shows 263 users, 1,002 posts, 2,002 engagements, 680,482 reach, and 3,687,005 impressions.

Social Media Graphics

Download the graphics by clicking your preferred size (Instagram post, Facebook post, X post) and language (English or Spanish).

Tips for Parents

Prevention Tips

Diagram Graphic

Body Jewelry

Magnet Quote

What are high-powered magnets?

Common Symptoms

Additional Outreach Materials

High-Powered Magnets Brochure