About Us
What is Trainees for Child Injury Prevention?
T4CIP is a year-long training program for medical students, residents, and fellows. During monthly virtual sessions, national experts deliver lessons on child injury prevention and advocacy. T4CIP participants apply their newly acquired leadership, advocacy, and communication skills during two Days of Action each year, highlighting different pediatric injury topics.
During these one-day national advocacy campaigns, trainees engage in focused, hands-on activities to raise awareness and promote evidence-based strategies for preventing child injuries. They collaborate with mentors, peers, and community partners to deliver educational presentations, organize safety demonstrations, distribute resources to families and community organizations, and share information on social media.
T4CIP is sponsored by the Center for Injury Research and Policy in Columbus, Ohio, and the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Pediatric Trainees and Council on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention
T4CIP Goals