#CheckBeforeYouChange Day of Action

May 2024

T4CIP’s seventh Day of Action was on May 22, 2024 about child passenger safety. You can search #CheckBeforeYouChange on X and Instagram to see some of the great posts from participants and partners. In addition to in-person local events across the U.S., the May 2024 Day of Action had more than 1.2 million impressions from over 550 posts across social media.

T4CIP trainees were asked to promote #CheckBeforeYouChange messages during a targeted Day of Action, but these materials are available to use year-round.

Lead Topic Expert
Dr. Mark Zonfrillo
Hasbro Children’s Hospital
Click here for additional topic experts.

Smiling man with short hair wearing a suit against a plain background.
Infographic detailing activities for T4CIP #CheckBeforeYouChange Day of Action on May 22, 2024. Activities include X Chat, webinar, selfie signs, noon conference, grand rounds, educational material distribution, Facebook posts, community needs assessment, morning report, collaboration with SafeKids chapters, podcasts, TikTok posts, social media takeovers, X posts, Instagram posts, creation of educational materials, community partnerships, car seat education events, baby shower community event for mothers in need, and car seat checks.

Social Media Graphics

Download the graphics by clicking your preferred size (Instagram post, Instagram story, X post) and language (English or Spanish).

Find a CPST in your area

Step back in protection

A leading
cause of death

Forward-facing seat with a harness

Under 4 years old/rear-facing

Seat belt

Booster seat

Kids grow up fast

Safer buckled
in the back seat

Confused about car seats?

Work with children and families?

Virtual seat check

Special transportation needs?

Additional Outreach Materials

Learn about the fundamentals of child passenger safety from experts:

  • Dr. Mark Zonfrillo (Hasbro Children’s Hospital)

  • Cass Herring (Safe Kids Worldwide)

  • Dr. Emily Thomas (Consumer Reports)

  • Dr. Michelle Macy (Lurie Children’s Hospital)