#WearAHelmet Day of Action

May 2022

T4CIP's third Day of Action was on May 25, 2022 about bike helmets. You can search #WearAHelmet on Twitter/X and Instagram to see some of the great posts from participants and partners. In addition to in-person local events across the U.S., the Day of Action had 163 participants and more than 550 posts across social media.

T4CIP trainees were asked to promote #WearAHelmet messages during a targeted Day of Action, but these materials are available to use year-round.

Lead Topic Expert
Dr. Beth Ebel
Seattle Children’s Hospital
Click here for additional topic experts.

Headshot of Dr. Beth Ebel
Infographic detailing T4CIP #WearAHelmet Day of Action on May 25, 2022, showing statistics and activities like 558 posts, 62,339 engagements, 933,187 impressions, and features such as visits from sports teams, helmet fit video, grand rounds, conferences, helmet giveaways, social media takeovers, educational materials, and content creation.

Social Media Graphics

Download the graphics by clicking your preferred size (Instagram post, Instagram story, X post) and language (English or Spanish).

Helmet Fit 1

Helmet Fit 2

No helmet? No ride

Be a role model

Gift a helmet, gift a bike

Lower risk of brain injury

More than 600 children

Additional Outreach Materials

Bike Helmets Coloring Page